Collator Management
This tutorial will show how create and maintain a collator node in Horizen 2.
How to Run a Collator
The following are the steps required for running a collator node:
- Run a Horizen 2 node (see [TBD] for details). Make sure to add the following command-line parameter:
. - Create an account for the collator, e.g. by using Metamask. It will be used for joining the collator pool and for receiving the block rewards. Make sure that it has a balance with at least the minimum stake required plus some extra for transaction fees.
- Import the account in Polkadot.js as described in How to Import an Ethereum Account into Polkadot.js Apps tutorial. Note: if you don't use Polkadot.js for interacting with your node, you can skip this step.
- Create the session keys on the collator node:
- Open Polkadot.js Apps and connect it to the collator node.
- Select Developer>RPC Calls.
- Select author as endpoint and then rotateKeys.
- Press Submit RPC call.
- Copy the string representing the public session key.
- Map the collator account to the session keys created in the previous step:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select session and then setKeys.
- Put the session key saved before in keys field and put 0x in proof field.
- Press Submit transaction, authorize the transaction using the password associated with the account and wait until the transaction is executed.
- Add the collator to the candidate pool:
- Retrieve the size of the candidate pool, as described in How to Get the Size of the Candidate Pool section.
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then joinCandidates.
- Set bond field to at least the minimum stake required for becoming a collator. The value for the minimum stake can be found using Polkadot.js Apps, under Developer>Chain State>Constants tab, selecting parachainStaking, minCandidateStk and pressing the "+" button.
- Set the candidateCount field to the size of the candidate pool.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
For checking that the collator has actually joined the candidate pool, see How to Get Candidate Information section.
Note: there is a maximum number of collator candidates, if the number of candidates has already reached its maximum value the joinCandidates will fail. The candidate maximum value can be found using Polkadot.js Apps, under Developer>Chain State>Constants tab, selecting parachainStaking, maxCandidates and pressing the "+" button.
If the collator is in the top candidates by stake set, it will create blocks starting from the next round. The rewards will be payed after a fixed number of rounds called rewardPaymentDelay, whose value can be found using Polkadot.js Apps, under Developer>Chain State>Constants tab, selecting parachainStaking, rewardPaymentDelay and pressing the "+" button.
How to Leave the Collator Pool
Stopping being a collator is an operation that requires two steps. First it is necessary to schedule a request to leave the collator pool. Then it is necessary to wait for a fixed number of rounds, called leaveCandidateDelay, after that the execution of the leave request can be invoked. Scheduling a leave request automatically removes the collator from the active set, so it will be no longer eligible to produce blocks or earn rewards. The collator bond and the delegator stakes, instead, are returned only after the leave request is executed.
The steps for scheduling a leave request are:
- Retrieve the size of the candidate pool, as described in How to Get the Size of the Candidate Pool section.
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then scheduleLeaveCandidates.
- Set the candidateCount field to the size of the candidate pool.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
The steps for executing a leave request are:
- After having scheduled a leave request, wait until leaveCandidateDelay rounds have passed. The value for leaveCandidateDelay can be found using Polkadot.js Apps, under Developer>Chain State>Constants tab, selecting parachainStaking, leaveCandidateDelay and pressing the "+" button.
- Retrieve the number of delegations the collator has:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Chain State.
- Select parachainStaking and then candidateInfo.
- Set the candidate account in the AccountId20 field.
- Press the "+" button and save the delegationCount result.
- Select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the account that will request the extrinsic. It is not needed to be the collator account, it can be any account.
- Select parachainStaking and then executeLeaveCandidate.
- Set the candidate account in the candidate field and the delegation number retrieved before in candidateDelegationCount field.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
How to Cancel a Scheduled Leave Request
It is possible to cancel a scheduled leave request until it is not actually executed.
The steps for cancelling a scheduled leave request are:
- Retrieve the size of the candidate pool, as described in How to Get the Size of the Candidate Pool section.
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then cancelLeaveCandidates.
- Set the candidateCount field to the size of the candidate pool.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
How to Change the Bond Amount
A collator can increase or decrease the amount of its bond. While increasing the bond is a straightforward operation that has an immediate effect, decreasing the bond is a 2-step operation: first it is scheduled a bond-less operation, than, after a fixed delay called candidateBondLessDelay, the execution of the bond-less operation can be invoked. The bond-less request can also be canceled.
A bond-less operation is only allowed if the remaining bond amount after the decrease is still greater or equal the minimum stake required.
How to Increase the Bond Amount
The steps for increasing the bond amount are:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then candidateBondMore.
- Set the more field to the additional bond value.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
The collator balance will be immediately changed but the increased bond will have effect on collator selection only starting from the next round.
How to Schedule a Bond Less Request
The steps for scheduling a bond-less request are:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then scheduleCandidateBondLess.
- Set the less field to the amount to be unbonded.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
How to Execute a Scheduled Bond Less Request
The steps for executing a bond-less request are:
- After having scheduled a bond-less request, wait until candidateBondLessDelay rounds have passed. The value for candidateBondLessDelay can be found using Polkadot.js Apps, under Developer>Chain State>Constants tab, selecting parachainStaking, candidateBondLessDelay and pressing the "+" button.
- Select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the account that will request the extrinsic. It is not needed to be the collator account, it can be any account.
- Select parachainStaking and then executeCandidateBondLess.
- Set the candidate account in the candidate field.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
The collator balance will be immediately changed but the decreased bond will have effect on collator selection only starting from the next round.
How to Cancel a Scheduled Bond Less Request
It is possible to cancel a scheduled bond-less request until it is not actually executed. The steps are:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Extrinsics.
- In using the selected account field, select the collator account.
- Select parachainStaking and then cancelCandidateBondLess.
- Submit the transaction. Follow the wizard and sign the transaction using the password you set for the account.
How to Get Candidate Information
It may be useful to retrieve some information about the collator pool and about a specific collator.
For retrieving information about a collator candidate:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Chain State.
- Select parachainStaking and then candidateInfo.
- Set the candidate account in the AccountId20 field.
- Press the "+" button.
This is an example of retrieved information:
bond: 200,000,000,000
delegationCount: 0
totalCounted: 200,000,000,000
lowestTopDelegationAmount: 0
highestBottomDelegationAmount: 0
lowestBottomDelegationAmount: 0
topCapacity: Empty
bottomCapacity: Empty
request: null
status: Active
For retrieving the list of collator candidates, including the ones that are not selected in the active pool:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Chain State.
- Select parachainStaking and then candidatePool.
- Press the "+" button.
For retrieving the list of the selected collators for the current round:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Chain State.
- Select parachainStaking and then selectedCandidates.
- Press the "+" button.
How to Get the Size of the Candidate Pool
There is no RPC call that allows retrieving the size of the candidate pool. One way to obtain this information is by running a JavaScript code snippet from the Polkadot.js Apps:
- On Polkadot.js Apps, select Developer>Javascript.
- Select any example and remove the code already present.
- Copy the following code:
const candidatePool = await api.query.parachainStaking.candidatePool();
console.log(`Candidate pool size is: ${candidatePool.length}`);
and paste it inside the code editor box.
- Press the run button.
- It is possible to save this snippet code just pressing the Save icon and choosing a name.